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Welcome! 👋🏻

This website catalogs archives, historical, and research resources that deal with music in some way. It is intended as something that music journalists, academics, musicians, fans, and anyone curious about music might find useful.

These resources range from traditional collections and public archives to community-driven efforts, crowdsourcing initiatives, research projects, file dumps, and corporate marketing campaigns. Some are detailed according to established standards, some are arranged according to personal perspectives, and yet others are social media accounts where all you might have to go on is a caption or comment. What they do have in common is that they all celebrate this thing called music through the stories, people, places, objects, and traditions that make it so wonderful and complicated.

You can find out more about this project on the About page, find answers on the FAQ page, explore using the categories in the menu above or just click Browse and see what’s there.

To get you started here are some personal favorites…